HAAS holds about 5 to 6 annual events a year.The dates and locations of these are listed below.
Besides the above HAAS also helps coordinate Bhajans that are held monthy.The venue and the dates of these are determined and communicated closer to the dates.
For further information on any event or dates please contact any of the HAAS Management Committee members at: ourhaas@gmail.com
If any of the members would like to host HAAS bhajan for the months listed as "OPEN" in the table below, please contact Sheetal
Sashital or HAAS committee.
If any of the members would like to sponsor / co-sponsor HAAS functions listed as HAAS*** in the table below, please contact
Gurudath Kamath or HAAS committee.
If you have any event ideas, would like to conduct fund raisers or need to inform about youth volunteering opportunities, please let us know. We need your