HAAS Satyanarayan Puja

The HAAS 2012 Satyanarayan Puja was held on Sunday, Feb 5th 2012 from 10 am onwards. It was a well attended and a successful event with a total attendance of 82 people which included 64 adults and 18 children.

This year the Puja was sponsored by an anonymous donor who does not wish to be identified. We also got a donation of $ 68 from Nandu and Neeta Balsaver. Many thanks from the Management Committee and all the HAAS Members to the sponsor and donor for their generous donations.

The Priest was from the Udipi Math. This time the lead Puja was performed by Asha and Pankaj Dhume and there were 6 other couples who participated in the Puja. The Puja was performed very well with by full participation and involvement of all including the children who very nicely read the Satyanarayana Katha.

At this event we also had the Pennies for Patients drive that is coordinated by Prabha and Anu Malya. Thanks to all those who donated pennies, nickels, dimes, quarters and dollars to the drive. Every cent counts. All the loose change was carefully counted and rolled up and handed over the Prabha Mallya for donation to the Leukemia and lymphoma Society (LLS).

After the Puja, an election was held for the HAAS Treasurer Position which was vacant due to Arundhati Nagarkatti’s move to California. This position is for the year 2012 only. The two candidates for the position were:

  1. Mrs. Jyoti Nayalkar (current acting)
  2. Mrs. Pushpa Desai

All eligible members attending the event cast their votes. One vote was received via email. Total votes cast were 62. Ballot distribution and vote counting was presided over by Rajnish Kelkar, Sadanand Pai and Chetan Bhat. The winner was declared to be Mrs. Jyoti Nayalkar. Congratulations to her and a warm welcome into the HAAS Management Committee. We wish to thank Mrs. Pushpa Desai for stepping up to show leadership and community involvement by standing for elections to help, work and volunteer for HAAS. Another positive outcome of the election was that almost everyone who attended the event became members or renewed their memberships. The total HAAS membership (to date for 2012) is now 47 families out of a total of more than 100 HAAS families in Houston.

We urge all non members and those who haven’t yet renewed their memberships to do so and get fully involved in our wonderful community activities. An announcement was made at the event to highlight the possibility of making payments for events and membership via your Bank’s Bill pay functionality. This makes it very easy and quick to keep up with making timely payments for HAAS membership and event fee.

Anisha Kelkar, the HAAS Youth Coordinator gave an update on the formation of the youth committee. She has reached out to the HAAS youth and urged them all to get in touch with her for the formation of the committee. More details on this will follow.

After the puja and the elections, delicious Prasad lunch prepared by many of the members was served. The food was simply wonderful and divine. Thanks to all those who cooked and provided the food. The menu and the cooks are acknowledged below:

Anu Nayak and Gayathri Rao: Rice
Chaya Ubhayakar and Kusum Pai: Dhalitoy
Usha Shiralkar and Shobha Shenoy: Beans and Potato Upkari
Jyothi Nayalkar and Nita Kelkar: Carrot Kosumbari
Prabha Malya and Sharda Pai: Chana and Jack fruit ghashi
Prathiba Pai: Papads.
And Seema Bhat for the delicious Boondi Ladoos.!!

Thanks to all the volunteers who came early to set up and helped clean up after the event. Overall a very successful event and we look forward to the next one. Event photos will be soon uploaded to the HAAS Website (http://www.ourhaas.com/)


Pooja Collections $384
Sponsor donation (anonymous donor) $501
Donation - Neeta/Nandu Balsaver $68
Total Revenue $953
Hall $200
Bhat mam $151
Flowers $13
Snacks $42
Total Expenses $406
Net (for event) $547
Membership collections at the event $370
(Number of new members is 13, up from 34 to 47 currently)

Next Bhajan

Additional details of the upcoming Bhajan will be provided in the Evite invitation or whats App group Our HAAS (Houston Area Amchigele Samaj)


Any Bhajan questions please contact our bhajan cooordinator, Prabha Prabhu at 832-859-1670

Upcoming Events:  

1. Satyanarayan Pooja

Saturday March 1st, 2025 


2. Picnic - in Sugar Land

Saturday, April 19th, 2025


3. Family Game Night

Saturday, August 9th 2025

Aliana Club House (Bingo, Jeopardy, etc.)

4. Diwali Program 


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